Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Organizing the Team

This wasn't the first time I had an agenda planned for PA. It was the first time I organized each item with specific time and had a time-keeper. Things went very well, though I might bring an actual timer next time to assist things. My time-keeper used my cell-phone and couldn't help but play with some of the features.

I think what continues a great group atmosphere is our check-ins. Other groups are finding it helps in keeping thing running smoothly.

This was also the first time I introduced some of the cooperative learning roles. Students were excited for specific roles, including those we did not require for this day. However, it helps to find out their interests as well as introducing this concept of group learning organization.

We touched on our essential agreements again, with everyone in agreement of them and not wishing to add anything at this time. Consequences were never really discussed, so we talked about this and quickly agreed to these as well. What I find interesting is at the 3rd consequence, the teacher would be informed. This fear of teachers was something I didn't initially understand, but it is probably a lot like the fear of the unknown: what will their teacher do?!? (There is probably a list every students has in their head of possibilities that they dread happening, like a call home or missing out on something.)

We talked about what their lives, community, state, country, and world would look like if drug use and abuse ended. The students already know that the drug trade is an international as well local issue. They have the gist of things, which I think is excellent. However, it is the specifics we want to delve into now.

One thing we could not come up with was a group name. I don't want to push them in any direction - nor do I want a mascot of any sort. I will let them ponder this more and bring it up again in the future. Perhaps when our project crystalizes.

I brought mini-notebooks for each group member. My goal was to ensure that they were personalized, so also brought along markers, colored pens, and most importantly stickers! This worked all too well, in fact it added a bit more chaos than my group normally has. There was a great deal of sharing and politeness to it, but conversations abound about specific animal stickers.

At the end of our meeting, we brain stormed some questions we wanted to have answered and do some research on. Each student took a question to look up by next meeting. They even wrote them in their notebooks! I've been told this doesn't always work as planned by some of my fellow coaches, which means next week I should plan for additional research. Perhaps a trip to the library/media center is needed!?! (Do they have computers there also?) Still, I find assigning research questions to be an excellent first step in our group's endeavor to tackle this issue.

My goal for next week is to continue a discussion about issues surrounding drug use and misuse with the mind mapping PA project. Each question will help us see the issue in different ways. These include: Why do people tend to use/abuse them? Why do people sell them? Why do people make/grow them? Where do they come from? Which are most abused?

Thanks to Kristy, I was able to record the majority of the session! I had a camera person role, which made things even more chaotic. Some of my students were concerned about being videod, but I assured that nothing would be made public via YouTube. Only my fellow classmates would see them, if at all. I also know that the video photage will be shaky with one camera person, but not one of the fill ins. I will rotate this position because it is extremely popular!

One of the best things that happened today was my quietest student opening up a bit. She volunteered to take up a question in addition to being our recorder. As we get closer to what our project will be, I am excited for her to take more active a role as time goes on. All of my group members seem very excited to do something and I want to make sure that they all find this project to be satisfactory to their end goals! Yes, today went very well. Perhaps my group is loud and boisterous, but they remain on course!


  1. Kevin,
    I'm excited that you seem to be doing well with your group and they are working well together. I found there was a bit more cohesiveness and the kids were a bit more focused when I get them specific roles. I also think that the group check it might be something I try, it will help us learn to trust each other. Hopefully this week goes well for you too!

  2. Kevin,
    What I so appreciate in your approach is your refusal to let this be a simple project. You are really leading the students into the complexity of this issue. This is really going to help kids to see into the complexity of the world. Keep pushing.
